Publications and Submissions
RDA Far North Annual Report 2023/2024
Regional Development Australia Far North continued to work closely with our key stakeholders throughout the 2023/24 financial year to progress the key priorities for our region.

RDA Far North Annual Report 2022 2023
During the year, far north South Australia continued to experience significant growth. RDA Far North key focus areas in support of the region's growth and future sustainability throughout the 2022/2023 financial year.
The 2022/23 Annual Report details our activities for the year.
RDA Far North Annual Report 2021 2022
Throughout the 2021/22 financial year, RDA Far North worked closely with key stakeholders to identify challenges and opportunities across the region. Together we developed strategies to improve the region's growth and future sustainability.
The 2021/22 Annual Report details our activities for the year.
Regional Development Australia's (RDA) eight South Australian branches have collaborated to product this go to reference document for the recovery and growth of regional South Australia. The Blueprint provides an overview of regional South Australia and a snapshot of every region, detailing strategic industries/sectors, themes for growth and key statistics. Underpinning the Blueprint is a fully scoped investment pipeline from conceptual through to shovel ready projects. This pipeline is understandably highly confidential providing details of many projects that are still negotiating MOU's or investment inputs. The Blueprint demonstrates complete collaboration across every RDA within the State as they seek to deliver both within and across the eight regions for the best possible outcomes for South Australia.
The Kati-Thanda Lake Eyre Flood Tourism Management Plan provides a strategic, informed, and coordinated set of recommended initiatives to plan for and manage the impacts of visitation to the Outback as a result of flooding events.
Taking a longer-term strategic planning and implementation approach to addressing infrastructure and services pressure points in the area will provide local communities and the region with a greater capacity to accommodate visitation uplifts generated by water events as the catalyst for sustained growth in visitation to the Outback over the long-term.
The Kati-Thanda Lake Eyre Economic Analysis an economic analysis of the impacts and opportunities of water events at Kati Thanda Lake Eyre and future events (wet and dry) with a view to getting a more defined response to capitalising on those impacts and opportunities in the future. It provides data to inform a better understanding of the current and potential future economic value of the lake. It identifies opportunities for capturing that increased future value as well as infrastructure pressure points, which will need to be addressed in order to ensure that opportunities for economic development resulting from visitation can be capitalised upon for the benefit of the local communities and the wider Outback region.
This report presents the findings of a study commissioned by Regional Development Australia Far North (RDAFN) to consider and assess the potential economic impacts of regionalisation (also referred to as decentralisation) of government services to the Far North Region of South Australia. The analysis is informed by an overview of current thinking / arguments for regionalisation in Australia, some assumptions about what quantum of government departments might potentially re-locate to the Far North Region from Adelaide and elsewhere and economic modelling of the potential impacts.
RDA Far North Annual Report 2020-2021
Working closely with key stakeholders, Regional Development Australia (RDA) Far North identified a number of challenges and opportunities across the region. We developed strategies to focus on areas that had the most impact on the region’s growth and future sustainability. Private investment, tourism, unlocking transport and access solutions, collaboration, connectivity, population, and decentralisation were identified as key priorities. There were some very positive outcomes for the region during the 2020/21 financial year, with several major projects working their way through the investment pipeline. The pipeline of large investment projects across the region totalled $6.5 billion. These investments will create 4,250 employment opportunities in construction and 460 ongoing jobs.
The Regional Blueprint
Regional Development Australia's (RDA) eight South Australian branches have collaborated to product this go to reference document for the recovery and growth of regional South Australia. The Blueprint provides an overview of regional South Australia and a snapshot of every region, detailing strategic industries/sectors, themes for growth and key statistics. Underpinning the Blueprint is a fully scoped investment pipeline from conceptual through to shovel ready projects. This pipeline is understandably highly confidential providing details of many projects that are still negotiating MOU's or investment inputs. The Blueprint demonstrates complete collaboration across every RDA within the State as they seek to deliver both within and across the eight regions for the best possible outcomes for South Australia.
Multispecies Livestock Transhipping Hub: Improving safety, efficiency and profitability in the Australian Livestock Industry
RDA Far North and the Outback Communities Authority have jointly launched the Multispecies Livestock Transhipping Hub: Improving safety, efficiency and profitability for the Australian Livestock Industry report.
Far North and Outback SA Climate Change Adaptation Plan
RDAFN, Outback Communtities Authority and the South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resource Management Board presents this Far North and Outback SA Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
This plan was developed with input form key decision-makers in the many complex and diverse sectors that make up our Region. While it provides the basis for more targeted work by key sectors, it also signals that there are actions we can begin working on together, whether in relation to infrastructure, labour and skills, business development, communication or environment and land management.
Parliamentary Submissions
RDA Far North prepared submissions into Parliamentary and Senate Committee Inquiries that are relevant to the Far North region to ensure our voice is heard. Below is a copy of the submissions that RDA Far North has participated in.